Wednesday, August 3, 2011

On time.


I think I'm going to blog about my umrah experience throughout this Holy month. I hope I can recall them :)

Last Friday I was in USM attending a course. Lunch break was from 12 pm to 2.30 pm. I thought of seeing the Dean, but nay he left early that day. Well, what did I expect, it was Friday and the Dean is a man. So yeah. Then we went to the computer lab (kes pelarian takde tempat nk lepak), but it was closed. Fine. We went to the lecture hall where we had our talk. We sat there for about 10 mins then came a guard chasing us out because he wanted to lock the hall. Sigh. Dah lah taktau selok belok USM tu, kena jadi pelarian pulak. Sob3. It was 1 pm by then so we thought let's just to the musolla. 

Then it was time for Zuhur prayer. I heard the azan, and I got up. I kinda talked to myself, 'Wow, solat on time. Jarang gila'. Yeah, I admit it. Memang jarang sangat solat on the dot. Ada je benda yang nak buat lalu lengah-lengahkan solat.

Then I remember about being in Makkah and Madinah last year. Even before I went there, my mom always told us that the Arabs would just halt all their businesses and solat berjemaah setiap kali waktu solat.  All shops would temporarily close come prayer time. Every single time. 

One day, we went to the mall in Jeddah and it was about Maghrib prayer. So the ladies (me, my mom and my sister) rushed to the musolla to pray. On the way to the musolla, we saw rows and rows of men getting ready to perform their solat. Bayangkan dalam mall, dekat setiap lorong, celah and whatnot tu, ada orang tengah solat berjemaah. Oh, what a great view! Rasa macam terpegun dan terharu. Dengar je azan, semua orang berhenti buat hal duniawi dan straight away menunaikan solat. MasyALLAH. Bayangkan betapa banyak pahala yang mereka dapat, solat berjemaah 5 waktu setiap hari. 

Agak-agak boleh tak Malaysia practice amalan ni?

Kalau kita nak start practice, mesti soalan pertama yang timbul ialah, productivity. Nak kena halt businesses sampai 4 kali sehari. I believe it's never a question for the Arabs. Satu sebabnya, mereka dah memang negara yang kaya. Tak heran pun pasal productivity.

Tapi sebenarnya tak perlu sampai ke peringkat negara. Mari kita start dengan diri sendiri dulu. Ini juga peringatan untuk diri sendiri. Kalau train kita nak dia datang on time, bila KTM lambat sikit mula naik angin (refer kat diri sendiri jugak). Mungkin kita boleh apply benda yang sama untuk solat. Allah pun nak kita solat on time, Allah pun tak suka kalau kita lengah-lengahkan. 

p/s: Alangkah best nya kalau dapat tengok orang Islam Malaysia buat macam dekat Arab tu. Sejuk hati.

p/p/s: Oh cakap pasal kaya, teringat my mom tanya soalan ni dekat her fellow Arab friend. 'Korang ni dah kaya, apsal airport tu tak naik taraf sikit? Berjuta-juta orang datang each year, tapi airport system sama je. ' *Obviously they didn't speak Malay* Kawan Arab tu pun cakap, 'Awak dah sebut jawapannya. Setiap tahun orang berjuta-juta akan datang juga ke Saudi no matter what, jadi tak kisahlah airport ok ke tak, sebab memang orang akan datang jugak (untuk Haji dan Umrah).' 


Anna said... Best Blogger Tips [Reply to comment] Best Blogger Templates

kalau nk tinggal keje untuk solat pun susah, lagikan nak berjemaah. true story kt msia dpt dr member2 dh keje. gitu. haha xpe la it's not too late to hope for better ummah, right? lets, together, hope.