Thursday, April 7, 2011

What's cookin'? Ep-3


Oh my, this post is so long overdue.

Another simple dinner recipe - Mushroom and Shrimp Spaghetti with Alfredo sauce

You need: Spaghetti, Prego Portabello Alfredo Sauce, Button Mushroom, Shrimp, Mixed Vege, Garlic, Butter (substitute for olive oil), Salt and Pepper 


1. Saute garlic in butter
2. Add shrimp and mushroom
3. Add Prego sauce *I decided to opt out the Campbell mushroom soup*
4. Add half can of water (use Prego can) *I like my pasta sauce a little 'cair', hence the water*
5. Add mix vege
6. Add salt and pepper to taste
7. SIMPLE DINNER IS SERVED *while ringing the bell*

You may add Parmesan cheese and parsley as garnish.
Serve 3-4 person.
