Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Worked 8 hours on SATURDAY. Experiment did not work.

Worked on troubleshooting the problem for 7 hours today.
Did not work.

Most probably have to repeat the whole experiment.


Bertabahlah wahai otak, wahai hati, wahai badan.
Allah sedang mengajar kita bersabar.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Happy Women's Day!

Macam kebetulan terfikir nak blog pasal ni and hari ni Hari Wanita Sedunia. Guess what I'm going to write about? 


Haha. Not qualified, I know. But remember this? 'Sampaikanlah walaupun sepotong ayat'. So kalau ada sedikit pun ilmu kita kena share :)

Selain daripada prepare for the wedding day itself, B2B akan prepare herself for the big day, as in jaga all aspects of her beauty yada yada yada. Now that I'm in that phase, barulah terasa oh God kenapa lambat sangat baru nak realize ni kurang, tu terlebih, that shouldn't be there and the list goes on. Kalaulah dari zaman remaja dulu dah sedar at least now just kena maintain je and bukan baru nak start. Ye, sepatutnya bukan baru nak start jaga itu ini bila tahu nak kahwin ye. Kalau tahu setahun awal nak kahwin takpelah juga, buatnya boyfriend kau ajak kahwin bulan depan tak ke terhegeh-hegeh nak pergi spa sana sini, masa tu dah terlambat diknon. And one more thing these beauty regimes bukan nya seminggu dua dah boleh show results, at least kena 3-6 months, itu pun kalau betul-betul jadilah. Another thing, it is too risky to change your beauty regime at the very last minute, especially skin care regime sebab kalau tak sesuai and you have breakouts and all, takut tak sempat je nak betulkan balik. 

So ladies, please start early. Start now! 

Selalunya perempuan ni (me included), especially yang bertudung, kita just fikir nak jaga muka sebab itu je yang nampak. Yang lain tu secondary. But actually semua pun penting and kena jaga. Let me share apa yang kita selalu lupa/abaikan based on my experience (sebab sendiri pun tak amik kisah sangat dulu :P)

1. Nail and cuticle
Malu nak mengaku actually, but for the sake of sharing. Seumur hidup baru pernah buat manicure sekali, itu pun bila kesedaran timbul few days before nak bertunang haritu. Cina yang buat tu pun geleng kepala and cakap, 'Ini banyak keras wo, you kena selalu datang'. Lebih kurang camtu lah ayat dia. 

So at least once a week, rajin-rajinkan lah remove your cuticles and apply nail and cuticle oil untuk mendapatkan jari-jemari yang lembut mulus. luls. Tak perlu pun pergi salon, buat kat rumah pun boleh. Just buy the necessary stuff and tengok Youtube. 

2. Scars and stretch marks
Old acne scars and surgery scars boleh try guna Bio Oil. Untuk stretch marks dekat you-know-where sebab berat fluctuates like crazy, boleh try Palmers Cocoa Butter. Stretch mark ni kadang-kadang kita tak bother pun nak check sebab ingatkan perempuan mengandung je develop stretch marks, tapi sekali sekala cuba examine your whole body. Boleh Google untuk keterangan lebih lanjut mana nak cari stretch mark areas especially for women :P

3. Eye bags
Oh tell me about it! My biggest concern is my eye bags! Dah baca (read:baca, bukan buat :P) macam-macam kat Internet and ada la buat a thing or two, tapi doesn't seem to work. Tegar sungguh eyebags ku ini (or maybe I didn't try hard enough). 

Wash your face with ice cold water in the morning, massage around the eye area, use eye patch, use eye cream, place frozen cucumber slices on the eyes. Dah cuba semua ni tapi give up half way sebab tak nampak kesan. Nampak sangat tak sabar. But you guys yang ada eye bags problem cuba buat those tips above consistently and tell me jadi ke tak okeng.

4. General well-being
Ni paling basic yang semua orang tahu tapi couldn't care less. Untuk luar nampak cantik, it must come from within. Cewah. That's why it's important to take care of your well-being, by eating well, exercising and by looking after your personal hygiene. 

Take fruits and vegetables everyday, UK NHS suggest five 80 grams portions every day. The campaign is called '5 A Day'. *tetiba promote kempen NHS*

Exercise at least 3 times a week. Tak perlu sign up gym membership pun. Buat kat bilik pun boleh. Tengok Youtube sudah. Exercise bukan sebab nak turun berat je tau, untuk yang dah ada ideal weight, buatlah toning exercise pulak. 

Personal hygiene tu faham faham sendirilah eh. Baju laundry elok-elok, cadar tu rajin-rajin tukar, kalau pakai make-up jangan lupa pakai make-up remover, contact lens jangan biar sampai kering yada yada yada. Rumah, bilik, dapur pun kira termasuklah sekali, janganlah muka cun body mantap tapi suami balik rumah ya ampun macam tongkang pecah. hihi

I think that's about it. Ingat, start now! Tambah-tambah dah meningkat usia ni (25 this year waw!) lagi macam-macam kena jaga. Belum cakap pasal supplement, pasal wrinkles, aging oh noooooooooooooo!

Here's to all beautiful ladies out there! :D

Friday, March 8, 2013

Love note.

I'm not gonna lie, my relationship has seen its great and awful days. But what I love about it is how we pick it up again after those awful times. Arguments and disagreements can be good to a relationship if you can manage them well. Alhamdulillah so far we are able to do just that. Every time after a fight, when we finally understand what either of us tried to get across before it started, it's like falling in love all over again. 


49 days to go. 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Sunday Monday

52 days to the wedding and here I am enjoying (somewhat) my strawberry yogurt. No, I'm not on diet (as you'd hear a lot of that from B2B), it's just that I caught some bug from my recent trip to Paris and have been having diarrhea for a week now. Well that's how I'd like to think about it, you know, traveler's diarrhea :P So, I have been eating rice porridge, soups, breads, biscuits and yogurts for 7 days.  Of course there were times when I cheated a bit, for example when Kak Hani made lasagna the other day. No matter how sedap your rice porridge is, it can never win over lasagna okay! Milk and milk-related products are a no-no when you are having diarrhea because the enzyme lactase that is needed to breakdown lactose in milk is reduced when you have diarrhea. So you might make the condition worse. Tetiba ade science lesson. Dalam lasagna kan ada cheese, so the morning after tu, lagi keraplah ke toilet hihu.

On a brighter note, 5 more weeks before I board the plane back home. Yippie!

On a not-so-bright note, days leading up to my holiday are gonna be super duper hectic. I don't even remember the last time I Skyped with H to discuss about the wedding. When Mama calls me on Skype these days to talk about the wedding, usually at night before I go to bed, I often have to stop her :( I can't think of anything wedding-ish at such hour because my brain is already tired for working non-stop in the day. 

InshALLAH everything will be fine :D

Sekian bebelan hari ini.

p/s: Oh btw, yogurt consumption is fine because it has the good bacteria that helps fight the bad bacteria that's causing the diarrhea in your intestines.